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Automation Platform to Support Complete Enterprise Application Portfolio

Support for complex technology stack, with the same
simplicity as UI testing

Enterprise Test Automation Accelq

Codeless Automation
for all Web/UI Technologies

  • Seamless handling of newer and evolving technologies
  • Out-of-the-box support for dynamic and complex elements
  • Extendible framework for third-party custom controls
  • Robust and AI-driven element handling and self-healing

Full Blown API Test Automation

  • REST, SOAP as well custom protocol support for complete API testing
  • Achieve end-to-end validations with API and UI in same flow
  • Flexible & powerful assertion building and API validations
  • API chaining and regression suite capability for mature API Testing
  • Auto generation of test cases for permutations of data

How functional approach to API Automation enables your entire team to
automate, without the need for specialists.


Green Screen
Automation Simplified

  • Natural language-based automation of any 3270 or 5250 terminals
  • In-built support for HLL and COM based terminal emulator
  • Seamless support for IBM PCOM Attachmate emulator clients
  • Hummingbird and extensible HLL and OLE/COM support
  • Validate true end to end flow across front end, backend, API and Mainframes

Backend Automation,
SSH Testing or Messaging …
All With Same NL Simplicity

Database Testing

Support for automated testing on databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Teradata. Stored Procedure execution and verification also supported. As with everything else, no need for programming skills!

Message Queues

Support for Tibco, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ and IBM MQ. Connect to a message queue, broadcast a message, subscribe to a topic, read & verify a message – all from your test logic using the natural language interface.

SSH Testing

Comprehensive support for SSH testing to cater to Enterprise application testing requirements. From the logic editor, run commands on remote Unix servers and parse the response – all integrated with UI testing.

NoSQL Testing

Need to query an unstructured (NoSQL) database such as Mongo or Couchbase Database? ACCELQ has the capability to query and parse the response in an automated fashion. No technical skills required!

Easily Extend the Natural Language
Interfaces to Your Needs

Fully Extendible & Flexible

Fully and Easily extendible & flexible to adopt to your unique technology

Marketplace Driven

Marketplace driven concept constantly increases eco-system of libraries

Support for Custom Libraries

Annotation based import makes it accessible and fast to import custom libraries

Fully Managed & Secure

ACCELQ hosting is secure for your enterprise needs. We follow industry-standard safety protocols and implement a rigorous process-driven framework.

  • Application access is restricted via Oauth 2.0-based security and tenant group access policies.
  • Data is segregated into tenant-specific schema and backed up on a regular basis.
  • The hosting environment is secure on Amazon AWS service and ACCELQ restricts access to the hosted environment via secure
    • IAM / Resources/capabilities policies
    • IP-restricted security groups
    • Access audits

Get started on your Codeless Test Automation journey

Talk to ACCELQ Team and see how you can get started.

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