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Top 10 Bug Tracking Tools In 2024 

Top 10 Bug tracking tools
Posted On: 9 October 2024

Modern websites and apps are built with many layers and often encounter various defects. Bug tracking, also known as defect tracking, is the process of logging and monitoring bugs during software testing. Integrating bug tracking into the software development workflow can improve product quality, ensuring that all identified bugs are properly addressed. Effective bug tracking is essential throughout the software development lifecycle and requires the right tools.

Bug tracking tools in testing are software applications designed to record, track, and manage bugs or defects throughout the development lifecycle. The benefits of these tools are prioritizing, categorizing, and delegating bugs to appropriate team members, ensuring the efficient resolution of bugs.

The tools enable detailed bug reporting, incorporating vital information such as bug reproduction steps and screenshots. It ensures developers have all the data to precisely grasp and rectify the bugs. By leveraging tools, teams can analyze patterns and trends in bug reports, leading to continuous improvement and enhanced software quality over time.

10 Bug Tracking Tools In Software Testing

1. ACCELQ Manual

A bug tracking tool is essential for maintaining quality and efficiency in Agile software development. As such, the ACCELQ Manual is not only a next-generation bug-tracking platform with test tracking, traceability, and integrations. But it also supports test automation capabilities on the same platform. Hence, the ACCELQ Manual is a leading platform that manages test creation and execution concurrently.


  • ACCELQ can seamlessly create defects for failed test runs and associate test results with existing defects.
  • This platform enables dynamic test suites for specific sprints or releases.
  • Test results on this platform are actionable, providing complete information and the ability to take action.
  • This platform supports Jira On-Prem, Jira Cloud, Azure DevOps, and more integrations for executing automation scripts in the CI pipeline using plugins.
  • The ACCELQ-Connect plugin for Jira/Azure ensures traceability by fetching test coverage details and execution status directly within Jira issues.
  • The application universe shows a visual mapping and relation of the test assets in the project.
  • ACCELQ can run and record test results at the step level for batch executions.
  • Test runs are organized at the test and suite levels. The platform can track test run configurations and run across environments.
  • AI-based test management with a wholistic view of QA progress is offered.
  • Inline screenshots are provided during test execution. A video style slide show is recorded to show the execution results.
  • Test coverage information is displayed in the traceability section of a user story.
  • This platform can identify defects from test reports that review the list of associated bugs in a test case.

Pros & Cons of ACCELQ

  • Test management with traceability
  • Tracking of defects
  • Integrations
  • No cons

2. Jira

JIRA logo

Jira is a project management tool that helps plan and track tasks across every team. It can also track issues for your entire software development lifecycle. The Jira bug tracking template helps with project management and bug reporting.


  • Boards provide a visual way to categorize, prioritize, and track issues and bugs.
  • Timelines ensure that bug reporting and tracking align with project timelines.
  • The bug tracking template captures and documents identified bugs in one place.
  • Teams can customize bug workflows for efficient bug resolution with configurable workflows.
  • Integrate Jenkins with Jira and remotely trigger builds in TeamCity to track issue fixes.
  • Reports and real-time dashboards are available to make data-driven decisions.

Pros & Cons of JIRA

  • Notifications with links to issues
  • Integrates with other tools
  • Customization of bugs
  • Duplicate names of entities
  • Confusing user interface
  • Limited reports

3. Bugzilla

Bugzilla Logo

Bugzilla is a robust defect tracking tool. Developers can use defect-tracking capabilities to manage bugs and product change requests. These capabilities are often integrated into source code management environments and other tools.


  • This tool includes basic and advanced search options to tailor queries.
  • Email notifications to get on which bugs are fully controlled based on user preferences.
  • Bug lists are available in Atom to subscribe to a search like a feed.
  • iCalendar format for tracking bugs in a calendar, and CSV format for importing into spreadsheets.
  • Scheduled reports by email.
  • Automatic duplicate bug detection helps to identify similar bugs instead of adding new ones.
  • Time Tracking estimates hours to fix a bug and tracks the time spent working on it.

Pros & Cons of Bugzilla

  • Customized defect flow
  • Integrates with existing workflows
  • Configurable interface
  • Performance issues
  • Outdated user interface
  • Reporting functionalities

4. Mantis

Mantis Logo

MantisBT is an open-source web-based bug tracking tool built on PHP. It supports Linux, Windows, and macOS on the server and is compatible with Safari and Opera.


  • This tool includes customizable issues pages and workflow.
  • It includes issue change history and RSS Feeds for saved filters and specific projects.
  • Source control (GIT, SVN, and HG) integration is included to extend functionalities through plugins.
  • Testers can apply group actions to many issues.
  • Built-in reports and graphs.

Pros & Cons of Mantis

  • Open source
  • Chat integration
  • Group actions
  • Limited reporting
  • Email integration issues
  • Difficult setup

5. Redmine

Redmine Logo

Redmine is an open-source project management web application. It is written using the Ruby on Rails framework.


  • The calendar provides a monthly project overview, displaying issue and version due dates.
  • Custom fields allow you to add extra information to several types of data. It is for issues, time entries, projects, and users.
  • SCM integration.
  • Issue creation is through email
  • Support many databases.

Pros & Cons of Redmine

  • Project management
  • Custom fields
  • Task tracking
  • Limited features
  • Poor user experience
  • High learning curve

6. Zoho Bug Tracker

Zoho Bug tracker Logo

Zoho Bug Tracker is one of these bug tracking tools in software testing that can submit, track, and fix bugs faster with the help of business rules and SLAs. Business rules are automation tools that help to update bug fields and call webhooks. Webhooks facilitate automated HTTP notifications to third-party applications. This tool lets users define a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that outlines the expected service level from the provider to the customer.


  • This tool can record bugs quickly with due dates and add followers from one screen.
  • Admins can use tool settings to set rules for updates, email alerts, and third-party app calls.
  • This tool customizes the user interface with bug statuses, fields, workflows, and bug links to align with the project.
  • Timesheets can log billable and non-billable hours.
  • GitHub integration allows commenting on changes and issue tracking. Bitbucket hosts Git repositories and tracks commits for code changes.

Pros & Cons of Zoho Bug Tracker

  • Status tracking
  • Track, manage, or resolve user requests and IT issues
  • A record of activities within the system
  • Limited configuration
  • Task progress tracking
  • Reporting and analytics

7. ClickUp

ClickUp Logo

ClickUp is a project management platform that integrates bug tracking to manage projects and track issues.


  • This platform uses templates to streamline the setup and tracking of bugs.
  • Gantt chart view can visualize project timelines and dependencies.
  • Customizable dashboards are supported to monitor various project aspects.
  • Time tracking is supported by this platform to log time spent on tasks.
  • Mind maps can plan projects and brainstorm ideas visually.
  • This platform can automate repetitive tasks to save time.
  • Form view is supported to create forms to collect and organize data.
  • Email project management via email integration.

Pros & Cons of ClickUp

  • Customized dashboards
  • Project management
  • Task Management
  • Loads Slowly
  • High learning curve
  • Slow performance

8. GitHub

GitHub Logo

GitHub is a cloud-based platform for storing, sharing, and collaborating with others to write code. GitHub Issues can track ideas, tasks, bugs, and feedback for work on GitHub.


  • Issues can visualize large projects as tables, boards, or roadmaps and automate everything with code.
  • Project tables give a live workspace for filtering, sorting, and grouping issues and pull requests.
  • Task lists can tackle complex issues and track the status with new progress indicators.
  • With GitHub Flavored Markdown, references from commits, pull requests, releases, and deploys can be seen.
  • The new burn-up chart can identify bottlenecks and issues blocking the project’s progress.
  • Issues can be created, viewed, and managed in your browser, phone, or tablet.

Pros & Cons of Prodly

  • Good source code repository hosting
  • Task progress tracking
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Lacks rich CI/CD
  • Audit trail
  • Issue tracking

9. Trello

Trello Logo

Trello is a visual tool for managing projects, workflows, and tracking tasks. Its board, list, and card components can help organize projects visually. A board is a place to keep track of information for large projects, teams, or workflows. Lists keep specific tasks organized in various stages of progress. Cards are the smallest but most detailed unit of a board. They represent tasks and ideas.


  • This tool offers views on managing projects and tracking issues.
  • Board view can visualize tasks and project progress.
  • Timeline view can help you plan and track project deadlines.
  • Calendar view can schedule and view tasks daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Dashboard view can manage workloads and prevent bottlenecks before they begin.
  • Table view displays your work in a spreadsheet-style list, allowing you to sort and filter the necessary cards.
  • The map view displays location-based data in context on an interactive map.
  • BetterBugs reports detailed bugs directly to Kanban boards to make bug reporting and debugging easier.

Pros & Cons of Trello

  • Task management
  • Manage and track issues
  • Reports are provided
  • Board issues
  • Limited functionalities
  • Limited features


Hp Logo

HP ALM is designed to manage the various phases of the software development life cycle. It was earlier known as the HP Quality Center (QC). HP QC is a test management tool, while HP ALM is a project management tool. From version 11.0, HP QC has been named HP ALM.


  • This tool can link test cases to releases for full traceability.
  • It ensures test cases cover all requirements, serves as a central repository with version history, and tracks test case runs to verify testing credibility.
  • This tool shares defects across projects and ensures stakeholders’ visibility.
  • Integration with third-party tools.
  • Reports with pre-defined templates are included to monitor project health.

Pros & Cons of Opsera

  • Defect management
  • Cross-project reporting
  • Release management with KPI
  • Cloning a defect and editing will not save the data
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Customer support


Bug tracking tools have evolved due to the complexity of software development and the need for more efficient solutions. Here are some of the key trends shaping the future of bug tracking and software testing:

  • Seamless bug tracking with CI/CD tools enables faster issue resolution.
  • The application of AI technology is rapidly evolving. This technology offers predictive analytics to prevent bugs and reduce manual effort.
  • The shift towards cloud-based solutions continues, with a focus on accessibility. This trend addresses the need for tools to be accessible from anywhere to facilitate remote work and distributed teams.

ACCELQ Manual elevates your testing experience by offering a unified manual and automated testing platform integrated seamlessly with your existing tools. It simplifies test execution, defect creation, and dynamic reporting, allowing teams to track and manage the quality lifecycle efficiently. With its intuitive design and powerful features, the ACCELQ Manual empowers Agile teams to maintain high quality standards across all aspects of their development process.

Transform your testing journey by claiming your free demo today.

Chaithanya M N

Content Writer

A curious individual who is eager to learn and loves to share her knowledge using simple conversational writing skills. While her calling is technology and reading up on marketing updates, she also finds time to pursue her interests in philosophy, dance and music.

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