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The ACCELQ difference

Simple to adopt and elegantly designed, with the power to give your testing real acceleration. Achieve sustainable automation with no technical barriers. It’s amazing what AI can do !


In-sprint automation without need for programming

Develop automation test logic in plain English, concurrently with application development. Address in-sprint volatility with intelligent change management and powerful reconciliation engine.

Enable manual testers to automate testing

Powerful natural language editor allows you to write test automation logic in plain English. Design-first approach on UX driven platform allows manual testers to scale up without learning curve.

Visual application model for lifecycle automation

ACCELQ’s Universe is a visual blueprint of your application and drives automation across quality lifecycle with business process focus. Develop test scenarios with predictive analytics.

Self-healing autonomic test automation

ACCELQ’s analytic runtime engine ensures a reliable test execution by intelligently adapting to unexpected application changes. Design-first approach ensure Robust element ID based on AI.

API and UI automated in the same flow

Unique capability to integrate API and UI testing in the same flow, enabling true end-to-end validation without handoffs. API testing at the same simplicity and regression maturity as UI automation.

Automated test case generation and data planning

Design your data behavior on a canvas and let ACCELQ take care of automated test case generation with proven risk coverage assurance. Centrally manage data changes without impacting test cases.

Built-in test management and planning capabilities

With automation embedded as an integral part of test management, track Development, Test and Quality readiness on a continuous and actionable basis. Develop dynamic test plans based on requirements or risk factors.

Seamless CI/CD integration and natural traceability

Native integration with CI/CD tools such as Jira, Jenkins ensure test automation is integral to development lifecycle. Traceability is redefined with the intelligent, connected test repository.


Let our team of experts walk you through how ACCELQ can assist you in achieving a true
continuous testing automation.

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