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ACCELQ Platinum Sponsor for DevOps Talks Conference 2022

24-25 March 2022.

ACCELQ is delighted to be the Platinum sponsor for the DevOps Talks Conference in Melbourne, Australia, on 24-25 March 2022.

DevOps Talks Conference (DOTC) brings together DevOps leaders, engineers, and architects implementing DevOps principles and practices in start-ups and Leading Enterprise companies.

The conference will also have Shriram Krishnan, Vice President – Australia & NZ at ACCELQ, talk about challenges in achieving Continuous Testing of User journeys and a practical guide to setting up a successful Enterprise-wide end-to-end Test Automation practice.

We are thankful to DevOps Talks Plus for the partnership and looking forward to the same.

 Learn more about the event, and don’t miss out on registering here.

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