AMA with Isabel Evans on “The notion of quality and the notion of failure”
Thursday, 20th Jan | 8.30-9.30 PM IST (7-8 am PT )
Hello Q Community,
We are here with our Community’s first-ever AMA (Ask Me Anything) session.
In this AMA Session, we are hosting the amazing Isabel Evans (Independent Testing Consultant and Practitioner). Isabel will be happy to take questions about quality and failure, drawing on her experiences of several decades working with people, processes, improvement, and techniques. That includes questions and discussion around her research into the experiences of people using tools to support testing.
This AMA will be hosted on Q Community Zoom and would cover questions posted in prior plus the ones posted live by the audience.
Do not miss this amazing opportunity to get your questions answered by one of the best in the testing world.
Watch the Recording
About the Speaker –Isabel Evans
After more than 30 years in IT, on software industry projects, quality and testing practitioner Isabel Evans is now a part-time post-graduate student at the University of Malta. Her research focuses on human factors in test automation. Her interest in this topic arose from real-life experiences as a test manager, quality manager, and test consultant. Isabel authored Achieving Software Quality Through Teamwork and chapters in Agile Testing: How to Succeed in an extreme Testing Environment, The Testing Practitioner, and Foundations of Software Testing. A popular speaker and story-teller at software conferences worldwide, Isabel has chaired EuroSTAR (2019) and HUSTEF (2018), as well as presenting tutorials and keynotes at conferences worldwide. She is a Chartered IT Professional and Fellow of the British Computer Society and received the 2017 EuroSTAR Testing Excellence Award.
Q Community aims to build and serve a community of Test Automation enthusiasts with a primary objective to find and nurture ways to transform test automation to be simpler, more reliable, and sustainable for the real world. Our vision is to drive community initiatives to make Automation easily accessible to the project teams and eliminate traditional skill-based silos within organizations. Keeping in line with the latest trends in the technology space, No-Code is explored as one of the primary means to achieve this objective.