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Unlocking the Power of Low code: Speed with caution

Low code, the pathway to simplified and swift software development, holds immense potential for enhancing value in your projects. However, with numerous platforms, techniques, and best practices available, it becomes crucial to harness the power of low code effectively. Similar to driving a car, while speed can be exhilarating, caution is essential.

Join me as I explore the advantages and considerations of low code through real-world examples and personal experiences. Discover where to begin your low code journey, gain insights into best practices, and determine if low code is the right fit for you and your organization.

Key Takeaways:

  • Uncover the pros and cons of lowcode development
  • Embrace best practices for successful low code implementation
  • Determine the suitability of lowcode for your unique needs

Speaker Bio:

Marjolein Pordon

Senior Quality Consultant

A low-code enthusiast from the Netherlands. (For non-Dutchies: you can pronounce her first name as: Mar-Yo-Line.) She is a low-code quality consultant, test specialist and evangelist.
She enjoys helping companies enhance the quality of their low-code applications by emphasizing the specific risks of low-code application development, devise an appropriate test strategy and manage and/or conduct the test phases to be able to give a sound judgment about the quality of the system.
One of her goals is to share her knowledge, experience and enthousiasm for low-code.

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Q Community aims to build and serve a community of Test Automation enthusiasts with a primary objective to find and nurture ways to transform test automation to be simpler, more reliable, and sustainable for the real world. Our vision is to drive community initiatives to make Automation easily accessible to the project teams and eliminate traditional skill-based silos within organizations. Keeping in line with the latest trends in the technology space, No-Code is explored as one of the primary means to achieve this objective.

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