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The most powerful test automation tool for
Web, API, Mobile, Desktop, Mainframes and more

AI-powered Recording coupled with a powerful No-code Natural language editor.
Automate super-fast with very-low maintenance!


Automate Web, API and Mobile Testing

Automates all the way

Automates all aspects of Quality lifecycle from Test Design all the way to Test Planning & execution.

Early Automation

Enables in-sprint automation with industry first virtualized abstraction for functional testing.

Enables manual testers & business analysts

Enables manual testers and business analysts to automate without the need for programming.

Integrates with your eco-system

Seamlessly integrates in your eco-system of Tools like Jira, TFS, Jenkins, Bamboo etc.

Enterprise ready

CI ready, scalable and secure for your enterprise.

Design-first approach

Ensures design-first approach with inbuilt modularity; No need for custom frameworks.

ACCELQ Automates Test Design
Maximizing Coverage & Reusability

  • Application Blueprint

    Universe driven visual test design keeps business focus while generating Application blueprint

  • Embedded Framework

    Embedded frameworks bring modularity for faster development & lower maintenance

  • Predictive and Path Analysis

    Develop test scenarios based on predictive analytics and path analysis

  • Auto Test Generation

    Model UI and Data flows to maximize coverage with auto test generation



Simple & Fast to Develop yet Powerful and Flexible

Natural Language Programming

AI-powered natural language automation, coupled with next-gen recorder. Enable the entire team to automate, its fast and very low maintenance.

Intelligent Element Explorer

Powerful & intelligent element capture technology creates robust automation. Self-healing automation drastically reduces maintenance and accelerates ROI.

Extendible & Open source aligned

Easily extend to support newer technology and custom controls without programming complexities

Automated Test Generation

Capture the structure of test data based on business semantics. Ensure data abstraction is consistently driven across test scenarios.

Web, API, Mobile & Desktop Apps automated in the same flow

Functional approach to Web automation enables your entire team to automate, without the need for specialists.

Smart Test Management With
Automated Test Planning

  • Test asset management & inbuilt traceability with requirements
  • ACCELQ’s app universe and analytic based algorithms drive automated Test Planning ensuring coverage
  • Referential integrity across test assets hugely reduces maintenance and upkeep
  • Automated Change impact analysis and alert management

Execute, Debug & Track - Intuitive & Fast

Cross browser cross platform executions on cloud or on-premise labs

Parallel executions supported for quick turnarounds

Runs can be scheduled, recurring or be triggered by CI workflow

Dynamic live results views with actionable reports to trigger reruns

Email notifications and more to fit into your process and enable quick decision making


Fits Into Your Ecosystem

Seamless integration to present a unified view of your Quality Lifecycle.

Get started on your Codeless Test Automation journey

Talk to ACCELQ Team and see how you can get started.